So you upgraded your iOS firmware to iOS 4.3.1 which Apple rolled out and are now looking to go back to iOS 4.3? Listed after break is an easy to follow guide which will enable you to downgrade iOS 4.3.1 to iOS 4.3 in no time.
Pre-requisite Step 1: Download iOS 4.3 for your iDevice. Step 2: Put your iDevice into DFU mode following the guide posted here. Step 3: Open hosts file in Notepad. The file can be found under C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\ and locate “hosts” file. Add this in a new line. Windows 7 and Vista users are advised to launch Notepad as an administrator. Once you have added the required line to hosts file, save the file. Step 4: You now need to restore your iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch to the desired firmware. With iTunes open, move your focus towards the left sidebar of iTunes and click on your phone icon. Press and hold the left Shift key and then click the Restore button. You can now stop holding the Shift key. Step 5: iTunes will prompt you to provide the location of the firmware file you downloaded in Step 1. Point the iTunes to the appropriate location and click Open. Step 6: Move away from your machine for some time and let iTunes do the downgrade work for you. Step 7: In case your iDevice gets stuck in Recovery mode, download TinyUmbrella and use the Exit Recovery button.Downgrade iOS 4.3.1 to iOS 4.3