Internet Explorer 9 on Windows Phone 7
(Credit: Microsoft) "We set out to make the smartphone smarter and easier," Andy Lees, president of the Mobile Communications Business at Microsoft, said at the end of a news conference in New York City this morning.
The software giant said Mango will be available this fall.
The challenge for Microsoft will be living up to the hype created prior to the announcement. Holding an event in New York and encouraging media attendance comes with expectations. And it stumbled early, with the video feed of the press conference bogging down and not loading for many Web watchers, greeting them instead with a screen with a bar slowly loading the video feed.
The company announced plenty of new features, including a version of Internet Explorer 9 for the phone. It introduced a program called Local Scout that offers hyper-local search results, based on a user's location, and recommends nearby restaurants, shopping, and activities. And it's created a new feature called Quick Cards, which provides a brief summary of relevant information and related apps when users search for a product, movie, or event.
Some of the other new features include:
• Threads: Gives users the ability to switch between text, Facebook chat, and Windows Live Messenger within one conversation.
• Groups: Lets users compile contacts in one place so they can see the latest status updates from the start screen and quickly text, e-mail, or instant-message the whole group.
• Linked inbox: Puts multiple e-mail accounts in one linked inbox.
• App Connect: Deepens the integration between apps and search so that applications surface when they are relevant to a user's Web search query.
Windows Phone has had a rough start. Launched in 2010, the mobile-phone software has yet to make any sort of dent in the leads held by Apple's iOS and Google's Android. Just last week, market research firm Gartner found that of the 100 million smartphones sold worldwide in the first quarter, only 1.6 million of them ran Windows Phone 7. Android, which had just 9.6 percent of the market a year earlier, soared to 36 percent of the market, while Apple held a 16.8 percent share.
Let's See can this mango update deal with Ice Cream.